Gratitude and Appreciation
Diane Campbell | Asel Ibragimova | Rae Ann McKeating | Gurpreet Padam MD | Katie Page | Hendrik Wilhelm
I have tremendous regard and respect for my Capstone team (my siblings of destiny) and all those who supported me through the challenges with their appreciative feedback in a safe and a nurturing environment. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for you all.

VOLUNTEER | Diane Campbell
Diane is an adoptee and a volunteer mentor with Adoption Promotion Support Services. During her ACT program, she designed the All of YOU is Welcome Here project. All of YOU is Welcome Here is a safe space where children touched by adoption and foster care can explore their genuine feelings, build skills to recognize and name their internal experience and grow their ability to embrace their wholeness with kindness and self-compassion.

FEELING | Hendrik Wilhelm Crispiniano Garcia
I Hope to achieve my Intention Through writings about my studies in Psychology and my own experiences in living Self-Love day in day out. I’m also Developing Compassionate Cultivation & Practice Groups, so you may take up healthy habits and live in a more purposeful and intentional way, seeing the world in a more compassionate and loving light.
All you truly need is Love, I Believe that knowing about all the Sciencific benefits of cultivating Mindfulness and Compassion through meditation can truly Inspire you to bring these to your life, which is why i’ll always base my post on Science. However more important than knowing it’ll do you good is FEELING that, because in the end, i don’t feel “my Life changing” now, i don’t feel parts of my Brain changing” now. However, what I do feel now is all the pleasant feelings that come up during Meditation. And that’s what I want to bring up in you.
More information on additional team members coming soon.